Don't Belittle anyone

2 Kings  5:4 And one went in, and told his lord, saying, Thus and thus said the maid that is of the land of Israel.

Naaman once tool a young Israelite girl captive, he himself was the then Syrian warlord, but he had a terrible problem which is leprosy.

Thank God the young Israelite girl was bold enough to tell him about the unbeatable power of God in all respects, including healing.

Imagine that you were in the shoes of either Naaman's wife that she actually approached with the good news, or Naaman himself.

What would you have done to that slave girl when she came to you like that? Is it not honesty? Or you would have barked at her

Conversely, the woman put the significance of the message over and above the age and status of the young girl. She promptly passed the message to her husband.

Naaman also did not look down on the source of the message as too small or valueless. That act eventually provide solution, healing him from a life long leprosy.

What is your attitude towards those around you, most especially, your junior ones, children, wife, subordinates, disciples etc...

The fact that you are a general oversea or prophet or Apostle does not mean God cannot speak to you from either your disciples or followers

Eli was still a priest when God started speaking to Samuel,  the solution to your secret problem may not come from another renowned anointed minister of God or your colleague, it may definitely come from your  disciple or follower... But your pride and ego has made to miss your saviour

Come down throne of pride and ego to Jesus with a humble heart for total deliverance today so that you don't keep missing God's blessings for your life.

There is no one God cannot use.
God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord thank you for another beautiful day in Jesus name.

2. Lord, put away every spirit of pride and belittling others in Jesus name.

3. Lord help me not to miss my blessings whenever they come in disguise in Jesus name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus name.