Instructions for deliverance

John  2:5 His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.

Instructions are detailed information about how something should be done or operated. In a contemporary life of man, examination is given to any student who wants to progress to another level, no matter how cheap or easy the examination may be, the student still have to follow the detailed instructions given, refusal to follow the instructions will definitely result into failure.

Every works of God in the life of any man always come with a detailed instructions to follow, this always confirms the obedience of man to God's words.

God performed miracle at the wedding at Canna of Galili, He specifically gave instructions to the disciples on what to do... Thank God for the mother of Jesus who had first told them to do whatever He command them to do.

God told Joshua on what to do after they met a dead end at the wall of jericho... A detailed instructions was given (Joshua 6:1-20)

God’s work stops where your obedience stops and starts at the point of your obedience. Obeying a divine instruction may not seem exciting but when you obey, you kick-start a process of God’s doings which might not be evident at the onset and that is why many people review their instructions and become tempted to stop obeying just at the point of manifesting what God was working out in them.

What divine instruction from God are you currently obeying? Is there any instruction that you are sure you received from God and you are actively obeying? I want you to remember that divine instructions connect you to divine doings. At the end of your divine instructions are the doings of the Lord.

If you will trigger the doings and works of God in your life, then you must have an instruction from God that you are obeying and abiding by.

You must stay true to the instructions you have from God even though it might not seem that God had started work but as you obey, God will meet you on the way. He is never late

You can't succeed with God if you refuse to obey His detailed instructions.

Stop wasting away and start obeying God's instructions.

God bless you.

Prayer Key:

1. Lord, thank you for another day like this in Jesus name.

2. Lord, Help me to obey your words faithfully in Jesus name.

3. Help me Lord not to waste away trying to depend on my own wisdom in Jesus name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus name. Amen.