Some will depart from the Faith

1 Timothy  4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;

The Holy spirit had specifically moved inspired men to foretell what will happen in the end of days. Apostle Paul was not left behind among those God uses to speak of latter days. 

Even though the prophesy was peculiar to the children of israelite, yet it is evidently relevant in this present generation. 

It has been prophesied that in latter time many will depart from the faith, meaning they are tire and bored of the truth about God, they want something that gives approval to their lustful desires. 

The very first thing people of latter days will embrace is lies, wrong teachings that negates the principle of Christ, theses will be wolves in sheep's clothing...

There would come from withing the church, teachers, pastors, prophets who would propose to speak the truth, but their conduct would be contrary to the principle of Godly living... Reasons we have many who separate themselves to start their own ministry, n their motive is actually not to propagate the kingdom of God, but for selfish interest. 

Some will latter come with teachings that  marriage is not impotent, they will believed that the body could be used to commit fornication without sinning, marriage was not necessary because the lust of the flesh could be satisfied outside the bond of marriage. 

All these and many other doctrines are manufacture from the pit of hell in other to deceive the children of God 

Believers are hereby warned beforehand so as not to be ignorant of these things, for prayer and fasting cannot stop it, the prophecy must come to pass... 

If you are still a baby in the understanding of the words of God, how well will you not be driven away by this false teachings and doctrines? 

Watch out, for its already around us, be vigilant and hold fast unto the truth you have already. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord thank you for another day like this In Jesus name. 

2. Lord I pray, help me not to fall into the deceit of the devil in Jesus name.. 

3. Lord, give me the Holy Spirit, which will teach me all things in Jesus name. 

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus name.