A praying father

Genesis 18:22 And the men turned their faces from thence, and went toward Sodom: but Abraham stood yet before the LORD. 18:23 And Abraham drew near, and said, Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked? 

Our Heavenly Father has blessed us with the gift of fatherhood, and it is a sacred responsibility that carries immense significance. Today we will reflect on the influence and impact of a praying father in the home. 

In a world filled with distractions and challenges, it is crucial for fathers to embrace their role as spiritual leaders within their families. Prayer is the lifeline that connects us with our Heavenly Father, and it is through prayer that we find the strength, wisdom, and grace to navigate the complexities of fatherhood. When a father kneels before God in prayer, he humbles himself and acknowledges his dependence on the One who is the source of all wisdom and strength.

The power of a praying father cannot be underestimated. When a father prays, he creates an atmosphere of spiritual covering over his family. He stands as a shield against the forces of darkness, interceding on behalf of his children and spouse. The prayers of a father have the ability to break strongholds, to heal wounds, and to release blessings upon his loved ones. Just as Abraham interceded for his nephew Lot and Noah interceded for his family, we too are called to be intercessors for our families.

Unlike King Hezekiah, who care not if the evil that is coming over his children in latter time. 2 Kings 20:16-19.

A praying father is a man of faith. He believes in the power of God to transform lives and circumstances. He understands that through prayer, mountains can be moved, and miracles can happen. As fathers, we must have unwavering faith, trusting in God's perfect plan for our families. 

Our faith becomes a rock upon which our children can build their own faith, and our prayers become a legacy of spiritual strength that can span generations.

A praying father does not sit back and relent in places of prayer because they have an interceding wives, the intercession of the fathers shield the home from external attacks, while the intercession of the wives/mothers keeps the home. 

Furthermore, a praying father demonstrates humility and vulnerability before God. He recognizes that he is not perfect and that he needs God's guidance and wisdom in every aspect of his life. When we humble ourselves before God, we create an environment where our children feel safe to express their own vulnerabilities and seek guidance from their Heavenly Father. We become an example of humility, teaching our children the importance of seeking God's will in all circumstances.

Lastly, a praying father leads by example. Our children are constantly observing our actions and attitudes, and they learn from what they see in us. When our children witness us fervently praying, they learn the value of seeking God's presence and guidance. When they see us seeking forgiveness and extending grace, they understand the importance of reconciliation and love. Our prayers and actions speak volumes, and as fathers, we have a tremendous opportunity to shape the spiritual lives of our children through our example.

As we celebrate father's day today, let us reflect on the power of a praying father. Let us embrace the responsibility of spiritual leadership in our families and recognize the influence we have as intercessors and examples of faith. May we strive to be men of prayer, seeking God's wisdom and guidance in all that we do. And may our prayers be a source of blessing, healing, and transformation within our families and communities.

Remember, dear fathers, that our Heavenly Father eagerly awaits our prayers. May we approach Him with open hearts, ready to receive His grace and love, and may our prayers be a sweet fragrance that rises before His throne. May we be praying fathers who leave a lasting legacy of faith, devotion, and love for generations to come. Amen.

God bless you.
Happy father's day. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, let your spirit dwell in the life of every fathers, and gent them the grace to fully take up their responsibilities in the home in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, bless every fathers indeed, and forgive those who has abandoned their responsibilities.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.