Who is praying for you?

Luke  22:32 But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.

Prayer is an invocation or act that seeks to activate a rapport with an object of worship through deliberate communication, it is a means of a believer's communication to God either to request or appreciate God. 

Every believer is expected to cultivate the habit of prayer so as to keep communion with God, prayer strengthens the spirit life and it is a spiritual weapon that makes one  to stand in the day of adversity and against the devil and his host. 

Luke  22:32 But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.  
Jesus specifically prayed that peter be strong. He also prayed for all the twelve on this occasion. His prayer was that thier faith be strong enough to withstand the trials through which they were about to go in the next few days   it was a Prayer that they not be so discouraged that they fall away. The pray of Christ sustained peter when he denied Him three times. 

Acts  12:5 Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him.
After Peter was arrested by Herod, the church earnestly and continually prayed for Him. They did not want him to be killed as James was killed by Herod. The brethren knew that if it was God's will Peter could be freed. And God eventually answered their prayers.

Who is passionately praying for you?, either when you are in trouble or not, having someone interceding for you is one of the power bank of the spirit which every believers must possess. If the church had not interceded in the spirit, Peter may not have been released miraculously as he was.

Many vibrant men and women of God today fell into temptation and sin because they had no one praying for them passionately. They exhaust all their strength and power praying for others  while their own life get drained of spiritual lifeline.

Moses dedicated all his life after leaving the palace for the work of God in bringing the children of Israel to the promise land. On several occasion they did evil in the sight of God which warrant total destruction, but moses would intercede for them. But when moses was caught up in the Web of disobedience to direct instructions, none of the congregation could intercede for Him.

Having a full load of anointing does not mean you have rise  above someone who can be prayed for... Judas who was anointed by Jesus fell into the hand of the devil. 

Your vast wisdom and knowledge of the word of God does not determine you are  perfect and cannot fall... Even Eli, as being a priest of the whole Israel and receiving instructions directly from God, no one could pray for his family until he and his children died the same day. 

Having the power of God and exhibiting signs and wonders does not mean you need no one to pray for you. .. Samson was fully loaded with the divine power of God, and yet captured by the deceit of a woman. 

For some, their mothers are praying for them daily, for others, their wives and such prayers gives them victory and success all day long 

Who is praying for you?, 

As a General Overseer, pastor, Evangelist, Prophet, Teacher, Leader and every believes, you need someone or groups of people who will passionately and lovingly pray for you continually.. By this, even if you are weak in the spirit, their prayers of faith will make you strong. Effective and fervent prayers of the righteous avail much. 

As a wife be the power bank of your husband in prayers. 
As a husband, be the intercessor of your wife and home.. 
Teach your children to be intercessors for others 
As a minister of God, raise prayer warriors who will continually pray for you in love. 
Become a prayer intercessor for your family, ministers, church, town, city and the nation. 

Let everyone raise the altar of prayer in every home and there won't be spiritual laxity in the life of every believers. 

Choose someone you will passionately be praying for today. As you pray, someone is praying for you too. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, give me the spirit and power of an intercessor in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, reignite your fire of prayer in me and in the life of every believers in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name.