Put your angels to work

Psalms  104:4 Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire:

Angels are supernatural beings created by God  ever before man's creations. Only Him knows when He created them. That is why He controls, direct, and dictates to them, since He has all power over them.

Throughout the biblical era, we see the ministry of the angels in the life of the saints   they ministered to Abraham, and declared the birth of Isaac. They attended to Jacob, and God brought to pass what He has said to him. (Gen. 18:1-14)

They fought for the Israelites and led them in the wilderness under Moses. The sword of Joshua was not enough to destroy the canaanites; God sent the commander of the Army of the Lord (Jos 5:13-15)

There are mysteries in the ministry of the angels to the saints. Every Christians has his own personal ministering angels. They are our spiritual soldiers and bodyguards to protect, defend, guide and run errands for us.

Unfortunately, many Christians are not aware of this great truth  as a result, they do not send them on errands. The bible queries, "Are not all angels ministering spirit sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?" (Heb 1:14)

As an heir of salvation, God has given you ministering angels. Begin to put them to work today. Put them to task. How? Ask God to send His angels to places you cannot go for your sake.

The angels are around the children of God  if you are one of them, they are also around you (Psa 34:7). One thing is that you must fear the Lord and keep yourself holy.

Angels of the Holy God don't stay where sin reigns. Flee sin, so that the friendly angels do not become unfriendly.

God bless you.

Prayer key:
1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name.

2.  Lord, command your angels to fulfil your desire concerning me always in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, command your angels to fight against every evil powers confronting my life and family in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name.