Guard your Marriage

Matthew  19:9 And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.

The incident that rocked the family of Mr Adam is serious enough to pull the couple apart. In fact, not too many families today would survive such. It was a real storm.

Apart from the loss of fellowship with God, another thing that the incident was designed for was to bring division and dissension into the first family. Thank God, devil failed woefully in that regard. He will continue to fail in our lives, marriages, business, and churches in Jesus Christ name

The man held on to his wife and knew her Intimately and that is what true love and companionship can do in a marriage. There is no way marriages won't experience ups and down sometimes, but what makes you think putting away is the best solution to that problem between you and your spouse? God hates divorce and this needs no debate.

It was Eve that got a correct assessment of the problem. She realised that they had been deceived. Couples should guide against any form of lies.

Communication,  heart-to-heart communication, is more than necessary, if your marriage must thrive. There are couples who are under the same roof, but are not in talking teems.

Geographical separation is what has brought communication gap to some family.

Sometimes, financial issues has its own impact on marriage. More than 70% of marriages break up because of money. The spouses need to be transparent to one another in all things, finance inclusive.

One of the danger of unguarded marriages is what the children of such marriages will turn to. Many are filled with hatred of either their father of mother, and with such react same way to opposite sex.

Many who are raised by one parent are not thought the love that exist in marriage and so they grow up never to have pleasure of having one.

This is the plan of the devil against the God's desire for every home, a home that is divided will have it difficult to raise kingdom generations.

Where is your spouse? Where is the wife/husband of your youth?

As a wife, you build up your home, as a husband, you safeguard it. You can't do all this if God is not at the center.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, destroy every plan of the devil against my marriage and my home in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, if other marriages are not working, I decree my begins to work till the end in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.