Take care of your Name

Proverbs  22:1 A GOOD name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold.

Name is very important. It is significantly purposeful. Name, most importantly, sums up the personality of a person.

 Benjamin's father had to quickly change the name of the innocent boy from the sorrow-filled, sorrow-expressing one (Benoni) the mother had given him, otherwise, the boy would have grown up to experience what Jabez later faced.

God in His wisdom had to carefully choose the name that sums up the very character/personality/essence of His first coming Jesus (The Lord is my saviour).

Jews, like several other cultures, Africans inclusive, in the world don't joke with names and naming. Name further conveys the integrity of a person as opined in Prov. 22:1.

Good name supersedes influence and affluence. A man's name, good or bad outlives him. The character stuff a man is made and known of in his lifetime tends to live long after his demise.

This is what Abraham had in mind when he refused to take anything from the king of Sodom, despite the fact that he prosecuted and won the battle by God's grace. He preferred to keep his integrity than to get 'a morsel' of food and lose all.

Look down deep withing you and be sincere/honest with yourself. Criticise yourself. Which do you prefer, name or fame? Some can do anything to get wealth and fame, with no regard for what happens to their names, and after them  

Judas was a good name by interpretation, but no one will ever name his/her child Judas because of what a person who bears the name did.

If one loses his reputation which is embedded in the name, it will be difficult to find it. Since one's reputation is more valuable than Gold or silver or fame, then you should do all that is possible to keep it good.

Live a good name for the next generation.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, help me to be more conscious of the impact of whatever I do today on what people say about me tomorrow in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, give me the grace to leave a great legacy behind when I'm gone in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.