God is Concerned

Colossians  3:23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;

In our world today, there is a general phenomenon that God is less concerned with our outward expressions as much as He does with our heart. This informs why some chose to dress anyhow with impunity, regardless of what harm it does to anybody. 

Dangerously, this trend has crept into churches, most especially, the prosperity Gospel proponents with less emphasis on genuinely changed Christian lifestyle. 

In like manner, people do what and how they like in the civil service and other related services. So many behave as if they have forgotten, or they don't know that we shall all give account to God. 

Eye-service has taken over the attitude of so many workers. They work anyhow when their master is away, but pretend to be committed when the boss is on seat. You cannot hide from God. 

Joseph world diligently in the house of an unbeliever and because of his integrity, he earned favour both with God and with his master 

David taught being king means you have paper to act anyhow with anybody, but God was concerned when he killed Uriah unjustly and taking his wife.he was punished for it. 

Be it ministry, personal work, civil service, or work in a private organisation, God is Concerned and involved. Whether you are a junior worker or senior officer, an employee or self-employed, God is Concerned that you go about your daily work in the following ways... 

1. Do your portion of the duty wholeheartedly as a service. 
2. Do it with the knowledge of God's commensurate reward 
3. Stewardship accounting for time and opportunities given while on earth is eminent. Do it with the readiness to give accounts unto man and God. 

Henceforth, do your work as if working for the Lord directly. Whatever legitimate work you are doing, wherever you are doing it, you are in a way or the other working for God. 

Do what you will be rewarded handsomely for. God is Concerned and will reward you. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name 

2. Lord, help me to put in my best in serving you and mankind with my work in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, give grace not to compromise your standard at my place of work in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.