Direction and Guidance

Psalms  119:105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

Direction is the path through which someone moves... While guidance is the instruction given through which one navigates the paths to follow 

In so many ways God direct our life towards His will, and also ready to guide us thorough it. But sadly many only accept God's direction but neglect His guidance 

Without guidance and direction we cannot succeed in God even if we succeed in one. 

His word today in our life is the lamp unto our feet, he gives us direction on where to go, Abraham was instructed to leave his father's house, moses was told to start a mission of redemption for the Israelite, Apostle paul was told to go to Damascus and he will be told what to do. 

Each of them act accordingly and were blessed by following the guidance and direction of God at some instances respectively. 

Nevertheless, there are many who followed God's direction but failed to yield to His Guidance, their smooth journey became frustrated and many met their untimely termination of destiny and ministry. 

Moses was called by God and gave him the right direction to follow, right from the burning bush to the presence of Pharaoh, but on getting to the place to draw water from the rock, he abandoned God and acted contrary to His instructions. His ministry got terminated that instant... 

Direction is like having ingredients to prepare a dish, but guidance is the recipe. Good ingredients can produce rubbish dish if the recipe is not followed. 

You can have God's choice of work, ministry, marital companion as direction to His will, but you can still become failure in each if you do not follow His guiding.. 

As God walked us through a path, He wish to hold our hands and show us where to step and not to, failure to surrender to his will result in total failure. 

Follow God's direction and yield to His guiding   and so shall you succeed. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1.Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, give me the grace to follow your direction and yield to your guidance for my life in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, help me not fail in life and destiny in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.