Win over Temptation

1 Corinthians  10:13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

Temptation is a desire to engage in short-term urges for enjoyment, that threatens long-term goals

Every Christian is faced with one temptation or the other, 

All are targets of the tempter,  the devil,  we all feel lure of the world and experience the appetites of the flesh. 

The tempter(devil) continually seeks victims,  he has done it in the past and still doing it,. From the garden of Eden,  to the time of our Lord Jesus Christ and now us. 

But we should know we have been equipped to win over the powerful enemy.

The Holy spirit is within every believer,  He is greater in power than our foe.

God is faithful in  limiting temptations to such as common to man.

Though many have been tempted before,  some have lost the battle,  others have won,  but You can win. 

Every temptation is required to have a way of escape.

God will always make a way of escape,  this is His way of showing His love.

His escape routes could be  A timely phone call,  a Scripture verse brought to mind,  the appearance of a helpful person, the voice of your conscience and many more. 

Some temptations can come in innocent manners,  but you must be wise to understand. 

Are you struggling with one temptation or the other?

Are you near defeat?

Are you about to yield to the tempter?

You can triumph over these temptations

Our Lord has faced the tempter and defeated him, 

He will give you strength and grace for you to triumph too. 

God bless you.