Go Back to Bethel

Genesis  35:1 And God said unto Jacob, Arise, go up to Bethel, and dwell there: and make there an altar unto God, that appeared unto thee when thou fleddest from the face of Esau thy brother.

Bethel is a place of personal encounter with God.  Jacob had the wonderful experience.

But the verse above is a call from God to Jacob to go back to Bethel,  a call for action
God calls wanderers to return, 

He calls us back to places of dedication,  He calls us to return to Him.

Jacob's experience at Bethel the first time was very significant

He had stopped to rest,  when there was fear and trouble.

He heard God speak to him,  with words of assurance

Heaven and hearth were joined which showcase an open Heaven

God promised to be with him,  and finally made vows to God.

God calls us back to place of commitment

Convictions caused Jacobs to go back to Bethel

The conviction that brought about putting away strange Gods

The conviction that brought about cleanliness

There are so many strange things in the lives of believers that needed to be evicted before we can have the former experience of Bethel.

Strange plans for life
Strange attitudes
Strange words
Strange goals
Strange Will

Jacob consecrated himself for the return to Bethel

Consecration made Jacob worshiped God by building an Altar

Consecration made Jacob to be Faithful. 

The impact of Jacob's return does not only reflect on his life only, but also on his family and community.

God is calling you to go back to your Bethel.

You must have left His will for you,  but He is  calling  you to go back to Bethel where you can be reformed.

The earlier you go back,  the better your life will experience His manifestation. 

God bless you.