Some people paid with their lives to reach you.

Jesus Christ sacrifice His life to give you redemption freely

Paul who wrote most of the gospel was beheaded during the reign of Nero, for preaching the Gospel in other to reach you

Peter was crucified upside down

Andrew was crucified on a transverse cross

Thomas was thrust through with a spear and killed

Mathias was stoned and then beheaded

Luke was hanged on an olive tree

Simon was crucified

Mark was dragged to pieces

These and many more Martyrs suffered more painful death for the gospel to reach you freely

It is this same gospel you toy with?

It is this same gospel you turn to business centre and financial freedom for you and your family?

It is this same gospel you turn upside down with your own hypocrisy called philosophy?

Hear what the lord says:   Revelation 22:12 and, behold, I come quickly and my rewards are with me to give every man according as his works shall be

If you are still wallowing in sin and still call yourself Christian, you are only deceiving yourself

To you that turn the free gospel of Jesus to Business, I say Jesus is coming soon

Jesus Christ paid the price of Salvation with His life

The Martyrs paid the price with their lives to disseminate the word so it can reach you.

Now it is free

But a day is coming

When the blood of Jesus won’t be able to save you
Then you will pay the price with your own blood

Think of the pain Jesus endured on the Cross,

Think of when to commit suicide will be impossible

This will happen after rapture

Repent now when Salvation is still free

Repent now when the blood of Jesus is still very much available

Repent now and stop turning the Gospel of Jesus Christ to business

This Gospel you joke with when it is free, a day is coming you will pay with your own blood if you fail to repent.   Revelation 13:4-18

Jesus Is Coming Soon Be Prepared

Happy Lord's day.