The Prize

Philippians  3:13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,
 3:14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Apostle Paul was interested in a prize of great value,  a prize to be given by Jesus to the faithful,  a prize worth more than all earthly rewards.

Paul's Past and the Prize

He was forgetting those things which are behind,  he was determined not to be hindered by his past

Also he was not proud of his accomplishments in the ministry,  he was not proud of the many churches he had founded,  he was not proud of his suffering as a missionary.

He might have felt he had done enough,  but he refused not to look at that but to look forward on the prize lay ahead.

The question is ,  what are your hope?,  what are you pressing forward to?

Some Christians and ministers take glory in their righteousness,

They take glory in the numbers of their church members

 always proud of how many years they have been in Christ...

They are proud of many churches they have founded

They are proud of how many cities they have been to

They are proud of how famous and how connected they are.

But in such process,  they are missing the ultimate prize set ahead.

How much thought do you give to eternal rewards?

How focused are you on the prize?

What is Hindering you in your quest?

Are you looking forward to the upward calling?

These are the questions we ought to answer with all diligence and sincerity if we really have a place to get to after this life.

Check your life,  are you more concern about this  present life or about the ultimate prize after life.

Your achievement  in this world shouldn't be your primary goal. You still have eternity to live.

God bless you.