
Deuteronomy  30:15 See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil;

Our God is a sovereign and a just God,  He doesn't lie neither does He deceives. 

He determined that his creation would not be under his direct control even despite being capable to do so.

He gave us life – and a  beautiful world full of everything we need to survive,  flourish and  to enjoy. Yet He gave a warning no to eat from a certain tree. 

Time to time God has been giving man the freewill to choose, also  Opening our minds to the result of our different choices. 

Seeing as easy to choose, yet  man prefers death  to life ,  suffering to enjoyment,  prison to freedom,  poverty to riches. 

Our choices brought us to where we are today...

Joshua charged the people,  choose whom you will serve today,  the God who brought them out of Egypt or a strange God.

Action point...

What are your choices today?

Yes,  we have freewill to choose,  but are they in line    with what God want and demands  ?

God will not force anyone to do certain things,  but He will surely reveal consequences for your wrong choices

God sees the end from the beginning,  far projecting more than our eyes can see.

Your freewill can either bring you everlasting happiness or eternity of  sorrow. 

Freewill to sin can end in death or eternal damnation,  but freewill in Christ Jesus brings life and hope and eternal reign with Him.

God has given you freewill,  but do not let that freewill push you against God your creator. 

As you live your life daily,  always choose rightly, wisely and Godly,  because your life and destiny depends on it. 

God bless you.