Grow in Grace

2 Peter  3:18 But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.

Christian life begins with a birth, 

But after birth, comes Growth,  which is constant development in spirit and in the knowledge of God. 

To grow in Grace is not becoming more saved than that moment of conversion

It is not becoming more pardoned than when converted

It is not becoming more justified than at salvation.

Growth  in Grace means the increase in the degree,  size,  strength,  vigor,  and power of the grace which  the Holy Spirit plants in a Believer's heart. 

Evidences of physical growth can be seen in the life of a child,  a flower ,  a tree etc,  so also in the life of a Christian.

Evidence of Spiritual growth includes...

... An increase of Love for God, forsaking our wants ,  and embracing his will for our life.

... An increase of faith...  Most of us are but  in the kindergarten of faith,  thereby struggling to believe the capability and possibilities of God in some difficult situations. 

... A great desire for Holiness in life,  and not celebrating sin as a form of civilization. 

God uses many means to help us grow in Grace which are not limited to the following.

He uses his word, 

He uses trouble and experiences

He uses the private devotional life

He uses public worship and service

He uses the fellowship of believers.

Are you Growing as a Christian. 
If Not,  why Not?

Check your Spiritual growth level.

God bless you.