The Bread of Life

John  6:35 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.

Jesus Christ is the source of life,  all things were made by him,  both plants life  animal life, and  human life,  in Him was life.

Jesus Christ is the Sustainer of Life, 

No one is strong enough to live long without food, When food runs out,  life ends

But glory to God for providing food for life

Israel was given manna in the desert

Elijah was  sustained by a widow during a famine.

Jesus Christ gives and sustain eternal life.
He was born in  Bethlehem,  meaning "A place of Bread"

He instituted the communion bread which symbolises His broken body

Anyone can receive this bread of life,  only if they approach Him.

All who come to Him receives salvation

Jesus Christ gives Satisfaction in Life

For He said he that eat shall hunger no more

He satisfies all inner desires, all other sources fail to satisfy,  wealth, fame, success all fail, true satisfaction is found only in Jesus Christ

Come to Jesus Christ and Have Life

God bless you