Seven Thousand Silent Prophets

1 Kings  19:18 Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him.

Elijah was a prophet of power,  he could pray earnestly and prevent rain

He could pray again and bring a cloudburst,  he prayed for fire from heaven and even for dead to come  to life.

But when trouble came,  he reminded God he was the only remaining prophet in Israel,  making God to  understands that, if he dies,  there will be no other prophet for God in Israel again. 

But God said,  there are still Seven thousand saints /Prophets who have  not bowed for Baal

One should ask,  where were they all this while?,  to the point that Elijah could not recognize them.

Elijah thought he was the only remaining prophet

He thought God would have lost all in Israel if he had been killed.

Yet at that time God said,  there are still seven thousand.

At the point you think you are the best for God,  remember there are still seven thousands to replace you. 

At the point you think you want to stop working for God,  either in teaching,  preaching,  taking care of his house in one department or the other,  always remember there are still seven thousands waiting to be commissioned. 

The moment you think you are the most Holy,  there are still seven thousands who are Holy as you are.

The point you think you are the greatest General Oversea,  there are still seven Thousands in God's  waiting room. 

It was at that same spot for Elijah God chooses Elisha out of the Seven thousand to replace him.  (1 king 19:17)

The moment you start complaining to God,  immediately He will choose who to replace you. 

You are not the only one in God's hand,  you are not the best too.

If you choose not to work for God today,  there are Seven thousands to replace you. 

As you live your life for God,  always think of the Seven thousand silent saints waiting to take your position if you misbehave.

Have a humble spirit and serve God diligently,  for you to get the prize set before you.

God bless you.