Touch the Hem of His Garment.

Luke  8:43 And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any,  8:44 Came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched.

A woman with the issue of blood could not get solution from any physician even after spending all her living.

Her depression pushed her to look for the greatest physician of all time.

She was desperate physically,  because health was gone

She was desperate financially,  because she has lost all her savings

She was desperate spiritually,  her uncleanness had separated her from God.

But this woman have a great determination which calls for understanding

She came behind Jesus and touched the border of His garment

She was not bordered about the great crowed of people milling about Him

She was not discouraged about the attitude of His disciple

She was not depressed at her own appearance,  coming out pale,  poor and smelling.

But her deliverance came through from her contact with Jesus

That touch of His garment was the touch of faith

She exercised far greater faith than she thought she could and she got more than she came for.

Whatever challenges you may be facing today,  do not let any obstacle stop you from pressing unto Jesus for deliverance

Jesus is still waiting for those that will touch the Hem of His Garment.

God bless you.