The Time of the End.

Daniel  12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

The time of the end shall be a Busy Time...

Many shall run to and fro,  everyone will be on the move,  Busy schedules will dominate families,  many will want to accomplish every daily task,  but too busy to take time for God. 

A brilliant Time  of the End.

knowledge shall be increased,  the amount of knowledge will explode at the end time, 

An increase in scientific knowledge

An increase in medical knowledge

An increase in technical knowledge

Now is the invention of artificial knowledge

The computer age with all its wonders affects all areas of life and fulfils prophecy

Different kinds of new communication medium breaks through to change our lives

A blind Time for the lost

None of the wicked will understand,

Increased wickedness in spite of increased enlightenment

Education does not improve morality

The more security,  the more the crime

Fake prophets with fake prophecies

Those who make the law will be the very one to break it. 

People will be too religious but not righteous

Ever learning,  and never coming to the knowledge of the truth ..

Only the wise will understand. 

This is the time of the end,  don't be spiritually blinded by everything that is happening. 

Be very connected with God and Him alone. 

Spiritual consciousness. 

God bless you.