... That your name is written.

Luke  10:20 Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.

Shortly after Jesus sent out the disciple to manifest what they have been thought and received,  they came back rejoicing

Rejoicing over the submission of the power of darkness.

Rejoicing over the signs and wonders that happen

Rejoicing of many spirit of the devil that ran away.

But Jesus said,  rejoice not in this things,  rather rejoice that your names are  written in the book of life. 

So it comes to this, 

Do not rejoice because you can pray so well,  so people will pray to Hell

Do not rejoice because you can speak in tongues

Do not rejoice that you can sing so well,  that even the host of heaven will descend

Do not rejoice that God is performing miracles,  signs and wonders through you. 

Do not rejoice because,  you know so much of the word of God.

Do not rejoice because you are a very active member in the   church

Do not rejoice because you can prophesize and it comes to pass.

Do not rejoice because your church is the biggest,  or your church has the biggest crowd.

But Jesus said,  Rejoice because your name is written in the book of life

You can do all points mentioned above,  and yet still miss heaven..

Check yourself each day you live.  And ask...  Is my name written in the book of life yet?

Don't be the unsaved saviour.  When others are being saved,  so that you will not be saved.

Rejoice, that your name is written in the book of life.

God bless you .