From Cheating to Charity

Luke  19:9 And Jesus said unto him, This day is salvation come to this house, forsomuch as he also is a son of Abraham.

Zacchaeus met Jesus and was changed, the conversion of a man nobody thought would be saved

He was chief among the Publican (Tax collectors)
The love of money had made him dishonest,  he was considered a traitor buy the Jews.

He must have found his wealth insufficient,  his passion for money had left him feeling empty

Zacchaeus probably hoped Jesus could set him free.

He climbed a sycamore tree in order to see Jesus.

He wanted to get above the others, 

Many think they must climb to get to Jesus

They hope good deeds will gain them favour

They trust religious ceremonies to lift them up
Good works avail nothing in achieving salvation

We are saved by grace alone.

At the insurance of Jesus,  He was instructed to come down. 

No matter the level or religious practices,  or the level of unrighteousness we might have attained,  we must still come down to be saved.

Zacchaeus opened up his heart

He opened up his home

He opened up his wallet

He opened up his eyes to the needs of others

He opened up his mouth to tell of full commitment.

Salvation came to the House of Zacchaeus

Let Jesus Bring salvation to you.

But you must be ready to come down from the tree of ego,  unrighteousness,  unfaithfulness,  lust of the world,  love of money etc.

Then your life can change like Zacchaeus who changed from Cheating to making  Charity

God bless you.