The Widow and her Meal

1 Kings  17:12 And she said, As the LORD thy God liveth, I have not a cake, but an handful of meal in a barrel, and a little oil in a cruse: and, behold, I am gathering two sticks, that I may go in and dress it for me and my son, that we may eat it, and die.

This was the story of a Widow of Zarephath,  who the Lord commanded to feed Elijah,

She had been through the school of sorrows,  her husband had died and she was having financial difficulties

Nobody could help her,  not even from her family or her husband

Though she knew God,  but her fear grew bigger.

She knows the will of God but feels she cannot do it

She is focusing on how little she has  (a handful flour)

She expects the worst: "to eat and die"

Fear can Rob us of strength,  enthusiasm and confidence

Fear can bring frustration and depression

Fear can turn our thoughts from the mighty miracle power of the Master to the meager measures of meal of the moment

Fear can make us think of committing  suicide.

Are you defeated by your fears?

God loves us and wants to replace our fears with faith in Christ

This widow triumphed through her faith in God.

First her faith seems to be dying,  then it becomes dynamic

First she is Fearful,  the she becomes Faithful

First she is part of misery,  then she becomes part of the  Miracle

She hears the comfort of the word of God, "fear not"

She obeys the words of God,  and God honours her faith"

Faith still Triumphs in Trouble

Our Crucified and Risen Christ will meet us where we are.

His grace is sufficient for the needs of anyone who can trust and obey His words. 

Your faith first,  then Miracle. 

God bless you.