Ask Before After

psalm 37:5, " commit thy way unto the lord; and he shall bring it to pass."

Before u start anything in life, have u ever asked God if it is d best best for u?

do you  put God first in everything you do?

you cannot be in d perfect place you should be if God has not placed u there. or lead you on the path to go.

problems and failure occurs when u fail to ask God which path to follow in the journey of life.

Before u choose life partner, ask God

Before u choose a career, ask God

Before u set on a journey, ask God

Before u start a business, ask God.

Ask Before you do things not After u have already started.

A life without God's supervision crashes without remedy.

It is better to involve God at the very beginning, than latter

I pray your life will not crash in Jesus name.

God bless you