You cannot do all things.

Philippians  4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

This may sound contrary to the popular Christian slogan 'I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength (Phil. 4:13). As true as the statement is, reading the verse put of context never helps Christians who wants to realize thier full potentials.

Rather than the material and social prosperity ascribed to the passage, Paul was referring to more of enduring hardships and debilitating conditions without giving up the pursuit of the divine assignment.

Many Christians are attempting to do too many things at a time, and ending up being frustrated, unproductive, depressed, sometimes engaging in unwholesome/ungodly acts.

Though you are encouraged to be strong in the Lord, yet, you shouldn't wear out yourself trying to do everything.

Activity is not accomplishment, it is time to look inwards, identify your strengths and build upon them.

A more important aspect is that of meeting the needs of others
Resources are not evenly distributed, striving to meet others' needs to the detriment of your inner peace and family integration will surely wear you out and render your skincare acts ineffective.

Always remember ; you cannot do all things! Just do your best in God and leave the rest.

Whatever God has given you to do for a particular time, you will receive inner strength to do it (Luke 22:42). Whatever God has sent others to do for and with you are not to be done (directly) by you.

Don't wear yourself out in the process of trying to 'Do all things'.
God bless you.

Prayer Key:
1. Lord, thank you for today in Jesus name
2. Lord help me to identify needs I cannot meet so I will not constitute a mess to the Gospel message.

3. Help me not to wear out both spiritual and physically in Jesus name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.