The fall of a Steward

1 Samuel  15:26 And Samuel said unto Saul, I will not return with thee: for thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, and the LORD hath rejected thee from being king over Israel.

Stewardship, is the conducting, supervising, or managing of something. And it usually means, "The careful and responsible management of something that has been entrusted into your care.

The Bible's use of the term "steward" is very similar to the dictionary definition. The Old Testament uses a phrase that means, "One who is over a house," just like Joseph was a steward over the household of Potiphar.

Each and everyone of us are stewards before God.  Not only has He entrusted each of us with a job to do, but also He has provided us with the necessary abilities and talents.

Today many have falling from the stewardship and has been rejected by God. 

Saul was a king approved by God as a steward over the children of Israel, but on the long run when God gave a simple instruction to destroy totally the Amalekites, both man and animals, he did destroy every human but disobey by keep some animals behind.. 

Being a good steward before God is obeying the instructions of God totally to the later... 

Many only glory on the anointing they receive during their first commission as pastors or evangelist... But the question is... Are you still obeying God as before? 

Moses was chosen by God to lead the children of Israelites to the cannan land, but due to his actions, he was denied to set his foot on the promise land.. 

Has not not rejected you? 

You may still have the anointing, you may still have the gift, you may still be prophesying, you may still be seeing visions... But is God still the source of what you do? 

All the activities, doctrines, collections of offering, building projects and so on, are they truly the voice of God?, and are you truly committed to obeying them even though you receive instructions? 

God rejected Saul for partial disobedience and was replaced by another instantly... Have you not been replaced? 

Check your life today... 

Are you still inline with all the directions and instructions God is giving. 

No matter your level of spirituality, it doesn't take God a seconds to reject you if you fail him. 

God bless you. 

Prayer Key:

1. Lord I thank you for today in Jesus name. 

2. Lord, Help me to be a good steward in Jesus name. 

3. Grant me the ability to obey your words totally in Jesus name. 

4. In every area I have missed it, call me back to track by your grace in Jesus name. 

5. Thank you for answered prayers In Jesus Christ name. Amen.