The definition of your own God.

Psalms  18:2 The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.

The  reason  the  Christian  world  is  so  weak and half  to experiencing the God of the old age   is  because  they  think  they  know something  when  they  don't.  Because  they  get involved  in  someone  else's  version  of  God. There   are   many   different   versions   and opinions  about  God.

We read the Bible and many Bible characters and how God moved  so well with them, but in the process of inclining our faith with theirs, we feel sometimes disappointed because we did not receive the answers we wanted as seen in the Bible.

Little did we know that, each characters of the Bible have relationship with God according to God's will in relation to their destiny.

For  instances

Abraham know and recognizes God as a FAITHFUL AND COVENANT KEEPING GOD, because after so many years of waiting God fulfilled His promises according to His divine plan... If you are to claim such blessings and see God as a faithful and covenant keeping God, are you willing to be faithful as Father Abraham? Or be willing in patience for His promises?

David was just a boy when he joined the Army, though was destined to be a king but his kingship will be and sustained not after fighting several wars... Seems as it is, he was able to recognise God as The GOD OF WAR....  Many of us keep calling the God of war when there is no battle at all... How can you deploy a battalion of army to a peaceful community?...

Shall we talk about  King Solomon; the very successor of King David. how can you explain to him that God is a God of war when he himself doesn't experience a single war confrontation?, 'every man with his own destiny' .. But nevertheless he was able to recognizes God as the God of wisdom... Because he recognizes that his destiny as a king depends on wisdom and not solders.

All these people recognises their destiny, what they needed to be, and  God reveal himself according to His Will inline with their destiny.

Have you discovered  yourself first?, you getting disappointed in prayers maybe because you are praying to the wrong God, Or better still praying on the wrong Will of God for your life.

How can God let you have a war free life when you are expected to fight battles like King David...? But your prayers has always been 'God let me not fight any war in my life'...  God will not answer.

How can you be forcing yourself to war when all you need is to enjoy in the Palace of God's wisdom like king  Solomon?... 

God's intervention in your life is directly propositional to the purpose you are to fulfil in this world, failure to recognize God's will and purposes will result to long time of suffering and delayed prayers.

God is the same, but He works differently and dynamically with everyone. 

Get yourself together and let God intervene, only then will you know the true definition of your own God.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord thank you for today in Jesus name.

2. God, help me to discover myself according to your Will in jesus name.

3. If I have missed it, help me to come back to track in Jesus name.

4. Lord thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.