He cares also for your physical needs.

Matthew  14:15 And when it was evening, his disciples came to him, saying, This is a desert place, and the time is now past; send the multitude away, that they may go into the villages, and buy themselves victuals.  14:16 But Jesus said unto them, They need not depart; give ye them to eat.

Some years back when I was in the higher instruction, I woke that faithful day with no cash, not even a kobo in my bank account, I called my dad for him to send some cash but his reply broke my heart the more, not very unusual like him but I understand the situation at that point in time.

So I just prepare for lecture with no hope of getting cash anywhere, but said a word of prayer that God should make a way before the day runs out.

my breakfast turn to fasting (a normal thing if you grow up in the mission house... Lol). After the first lecture, I was outside and having a discussion with friends, then a fellow classmate approached me and asked me to shake  his hand, lo and behold, some cash was handed over to me. I asked why, he said his spirit wishes to bless me. Wow.

Is God not wonderful? Yes He is, as much as God see to your spiritual needs so also he handles and care for  your physical needs,

After the people had eaten the manna of the word of God from Jesus, He perceived they were hungry and they needed food. (Note: spiritual food for the sprit, and physical food for the body)

If Jesus can provide food for more than five thousand souls without robbing a bank, then yours shouldn't be difficult for him to do.

Have you been trusting God for one thing or the other?, keep on trusting, He will surely answer...

You may be experiencing delay because you have already projected where you think God will bless you from...

God doesn't work that way, sometimes, he shows up when all your efforts had met a dead end, just to have all the glory to Himself... He doesn't share his glory with anyone.

Have faith in God alone, and trust him, He will provide for all your physical needs in a way you will never expect.

God bless you.

*Prayer key:*

1. Lord I thank for the gift of today

2. Lord, let there be open heaven of help for all my physical needs in Jesus name

3. Lord, Help me to trust you with all my heart in Jesus name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.