Eleventh hour Grace.

Matthew  20:14 Take that thine is, and go thy way: I will give unto this last, even as unto thee.

Jesus told the story of a framer who hired day labourers: some at 6 am, some at 9, some at 12 noon, some at 3pm and some at 5pm, one hour before quitting time.

Amazingly, he paid them all the same wage. When the complaints started flying, the farmer said, 'I wish to give to this last man the same as to you.'

Ho, you say nobody pays a day's wage to one-hour workers. God does. Deathbed converts and lifelong saints enter heaven by the same gate.

They don't enjoy the same reward, but they are saved by the same grace. A last minute confessor receives the same grace as a lifetime servant? It doesn't seem fair.

The workers  in Jesus' story complained too. So the farmer explained the prerogative of ownership: 'am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me...' (Mathew 20:15).

The thief on the cross proves that when you request grace with your dying breath. God answers your prayers.

 The prodigal son'... Wasted his possessions (Luke 15:13) after going out and throwing all his possession away, he returned. And his father saw him and had Compassion, the father was saving the son's place. And God  is saving yours too.

Eleventh hour Grace means that if you are able to read these words and respond, it's not too late.

If you are waiting for the day you will die before coming to Jesus, then live every day as if you will die tomorrow, because no one knows the day he/she will die.

The time is now.

God bless you.

Prayer Key:

1. Lord Jesus thank you for another day like this. 

2. Lord, I'm sorry for all my misdeeds 

3.  Save me with the precious blood of your son Jesus Christ 

4. Let me not waste away from you in Jesus name.

5. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen