Jesus always answers

Luke  7:22 Then Jesus answering said unto them, Go your way, and tell John what things ye have seen and heard; how that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the gospel is preached.

John was perplexed, and sent from the prison to ask Jesus if He was indeed the promised Messiah. Jesus patiently answered the messages.

He always answers. Many of our prayers to Him are nixed up with doubt; many of them are filled with complaints.

He is never Impatient with us. He never shuts His door against us. It grieves  and pains Him to have us doubt Him.

Joseph wept when his brothers sent a message to him, after their father's death, asking him to forgive them, when he had forgiven them years before, and had proved it by several kindness, it broke his heart to think of how they had misjudged him.

Yet that is the way many of us do with Jesus. After all the sacrifices He makes on  our behalf and the blessings His love has bestowed on us, when some shadows falls upon our heart, we wonder if He loves us, whether or not He has forgiven is, whether or not He will take care of us in the future.

We are half the time perplexed about something full of worries; and doubts, fear and anxieties get into our prayers. They take the joy of our worships, and the faith put of our supplications and give a sad tone to our devotions.

Does Jesus ever get tired of such prayers?, No, He listens, and hears all the discords made by the murmurings. His heart is pained by them too, nevertheless He answered us.

He is very patient and expect us to trust Him with all our troubles without grumbling and doubts

He knows what's you are going through... And will answer you.

God bless you.

Prayer key: 

1. Lord thank you for another day like this in Jesus name. 

2. Lord, deliver me from the sprit of doubts and faithlessness 

3. Lord strengthen my faith in you in Jesus name. 

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus name.  Amen.