The patience of God.

John  9:4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.

Many of us has received the purpose of God for our lives, for marriage,  career, business, ministry, etc, but  for our own selfish desire, we creat our own path, set our own race, and Bank on the word that "He's mercy  will be sufficient at the long run..."

Jesus was able to understand and gives the knowledge of time, which a man must work, a time is coming when the strength of man will be too weak to work for God. 

Even if God has an everlasting  time of patience, you do not have unlimited years to operate.

It would have been to wrestle with the Lord and deny him of our life for a some time before coming back to Him, if our time is stagnant and our years of usefulness is not passive. 

Though we thought God exercise long suffering, so it makes us to take decisions of our own life against God's will.

We tend to subject our life to the way we want it to be, rather than the way God wants it to be.

Many says they conquered God when things are going fine for them while neglecting the purpose of God for their life... Not knowing God himself is waiting for a particular time.

Because of lack of spiritual understanding, what we could have done with God without stress, we missed it.

What you could have done at a younger age, full of strength and energy, will eventually become what you will struggle to do with pain and agony during your old age. 

Stop procrastinating the obedience of God.

The patience of God last a life time, but you don't last a life time, and you don't have inexhaustible strength. 

The time is now.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord thank you for another day like this in Jesus name.

2. Lord I pray, every area I have missed it before you, bring me back in Jesus name.

3. Lord, Help me to obey your words fully in Jesus name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.