Godly Attitude

Philippians  4:12 I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.

The way you think and feel about something is your attitude, your natural ability or skill at doing something is your Aptitude, while the height of something or your highest elevation in life is your altitude. 

Developing natural ability/skill (Aptitude), without the right attitude, might stop one from reaching one's desired Altitude. 

Obtaining the highest degree possible in theology and being highly anointed, but without  the right attitude results in ministerial failure and rejection from God.

Your attitude may not only determine your altitude, it can also determine your destination. Absalom might have succeeded Kong David, but his attitude did not only Rob him of the throne but ended up wasting him at every painful and shameful death.

Rebekah  portrayed a godly attitude while helping a strange with water together with his camels, despite the difficulties and stress involved, yet she persisted. Her timely godly attitude made her finds Favour and take her to the place of a wife with Isaac. 

Paul's attitude to life was a very clear demonstration of how much one can achieve in life with the right attitude. He remained afloat despite all the challenges he experienced in life.(2 Cor. 6:4-10)

It is strange that a man like Paul in prison would be telling the church to rejoice (Phil. 4:4). His attitude teaches us that our inner attitude shouldn't reflect our outward circumstances. He was full of joy because he knew that no matter what happened to him, Christ was with him. 

To be a winner and soar above all challenges in life, you must possess the right(godly) attitude. Christ in us, is the hope of victory and glory. 

God bless you. 

Prayer Key :

1. Lord thank you for another day like this in Jesus name. 

2. Lord, Help me, so that my attitude will not be my limitation to greater heights in Jesus name.

3. I pray, let me be renewed in you in Jesus name. 

4. Thank yor for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.