Don't work against God.

Genesis  11:4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.

It has been internally characteristics of of the devil and it's early to work against God's program and Order. 

Those who lived after the flood and before the Lord foiled  their coup  and the Divine privilege to have one voice and and one language. God also gave them Wisdom/skill, such that they could devise building such as magnificent Tower.

 It would have been of interest to know the language being spoken. There is power in togetherness but it becomes evil when people become over-ambitious to the extent of working against their creator. 

God himself confirmed the power of cooperation even if it was a misdirected one god expected them to use this for his his glory, their oneness should enhance their  corporation in doing God's will;

 their wisdom/skill should help them do exploit for him. But they misfired abusing God's grace. They wouldn't learn from history how Adam and Eve as well as those of Noah's days days misfired and where  divinely fired.

 They arrogantly  wanted to make a name for themselves while they remained in one place instead of filling the Earth. They didn't go scot-free. 

Examine your life, home, workplace School etc, are you sure you aren't working against him with your god-given resources? 

Make the necessary amends now, and be watchful not to join the wrong groups ( psalm 19 full: 63)

God bless you.

Prayer Key:

1. Lord thank you for another day like this in Jesus name.

2. Lord, Help me to you all the resources you have given me for your glory in Jesus name.

3. Lord help me not to misfire in my daily life in Jesus name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.