Restoration of the lost years

Joel  2:25 And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.

 Sometimes, we as believers in Christ go through difficult years. It’s a period where it looks like nothing much is happening and sometimes as if nothing at all is happening!! It can be a very trying period. We sometimes call them the ‘lost years’.

Nevertheless, If we walk close to God during such trying times, He is still in the business of restoring disappointed and damaged periods of our lives and He can bring restoration to our ‘lost years’! The ‘lost years’ would need never to be ‘wasted years’, if we allow God’s restoration and purposes to be accomplished in us.

The restoration of God can bring back all that seems lost during the ‘lost years’.

Some years we spend with less of no productivity, a time to be engaged and married passes us by, a time to study and earn a degree was lost because if financial in capabilities, even couple who are yet to be blessed with the fruit of the womb are counting years, a time you ought to have been promoted at work is passing by with no hope

 In all these, God will make the waiting period during the ‘lost years’ a blessed experience, as He brings restoration into our lives. 

God speaks through prophet Joel to from previous verse to rejoice and blow trumpet. When God’s restoration comes into your life, it will renew your joy and restore a song in your heart. The ‘lost years’ could well be part of God’s discipling process in your life and He will eventually make it to work out for good.

Also, the restoration God is bringing will remove your shame. When Jesus suffered on the cross, He took all our shame upon Him and paid the price for all our sin and failures. If you are therefore battling with shame and humiliation and have never invited Jesus into your life, why not take that step now? He can bring forgiveness and wonderful restoration into your life

God is restoring your lost years, only if you can trust and believe in Him, in His power and deliverance.

Doing His will, and obeying all His commandment will guarantee God's restoration in your life.

Weep no more on the lost years, God is bringing joy to you and taking away your shame. Keep your faith alive in Him.

 God bless you.

Prayer key:
1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord restore my lost years in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, take away my shame and reproach of many years in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.