Light above every form of Darkness

Ephesians  5:8 For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:

After the fall of man, darkness filled the earth, the light of God's  righteousness and holiness became  darkened by the deceit of satan, and man began to walk and live in the darkness of evil thoughts and imagination.

In other to bring man back to track and walk in the light of Jehovah, God made a provision for His light to dwell with men, that by this man can live in the light of God's grace, righteousness and holiness.

Because believers in Christ has accepted the light that shines through Jesus in their lives, they are a light of hope to a world that is lost in darkness. Their living after Jesus, who was the light of the world, identifies them to be of God.

There are many forms of darkness in this world of which the light of every believer must shine upon.

The darkness of immoralities,

Believer in Christ must be an example of good morals in the society. Suppose there is a group of people and someone suggests they do some bad things. Unless someone speaks up and protests, the wrong action will be acted upon.

But if someone rises and says, “I will not be a party to that,” then another may rise to say, Neither will I.” Christians must take the lead and not remain silent.

Many people in this world do not have the moral strength to take a stand by themselves, but if someone shows them the way, they will follow. It’s the Christian’s duty to take a stand.

Believers are to stand against any form of immoralities and  live their life against it. By this, the light of good morals will illuminate the darkness of immoralities in the society.

The darkness of evil in the world

Today, many churches have the idea they must imitate the world in order to reach the world, and by this, the truth of God which is the light of Christ becomes compromised. Our light as believers must shine through to eliminate the evil practices in the world. Instead of revenge, the light of forgiveness shines, instead of hatred, love shines, instead of murder, the love of Christ shines through.

The light of Christ is no respecter of any forms of darkness, neither does it bow for any, so also must believers who has become the light of the world must not compromise who they are in this world.

No light can be hiden in darkness except it has gone off. Always shine the  light God has made you. Be the light of God that shines over any form of darkness.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, help me to shine my light anywhere I find myself in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, do not let my light go off in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.