The wickedness of God's people

2 Chronicles  7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

King Solomon completed building the house of God, and his own Palace, people rejoice and they gave glory to God, at night God appeared to him in a vision saying...

" I have chosen this temple to be my house, and I shall dwell therein, but if my people that are called by my name can humble themselves, pray, seek my false and turn from their wicked ways, then I will heal their land"

God was not moved by the beauty and magnificent structure of the temple built for Him, but He was concerned about the people's heart towards Him.

"If people who are called by God's name", if Christians, if believers, if those that identified themselves with Christ, if those that worshipped God through Jesus Christ can humble themselve, pray and seek the face of God, if they can turn from their wicked ways....

It is no news again than our land is sick, it is no news that wickedness is on the increase daily... This is not the wickedness of unbelievers, but the wickedness of believers who even identified themselves with Christ.

God has placed many of His children into position of power, economy of the nation, security, policy making etc, but instead to stand out, speak the truth, and stand against corruption, injustice and nepotism, but they rather compromise their faith, shut their mouth and aligned themselves with wicked people to inflict suffering on the masses 

Just because of fear, just because of their earthly  gain, they defrauded the society, make policies that are against the masses and the will of God 

They who suppose to be men of integrity, but has sold their soul to corruption, lies, deceit and earthly wealth.

How will the land bring forth fruit of peace, joy and good living, when those God has entrusted the wealth of the nation to, has compromised and turn from the ways of God.

Many churches has become den of corruption, the truth of the word of God is no long preached, we rather encourage the teaching of prosperity rather than godly living, the hypocrisy in the church has become greater than that of the world... There are now factions in the body of Christ... 

Many GO who have children in the sphere of government cannot speak the truth and remind their children of the purpose of God that brought them to where they are...

Where are the Joseph of this generation, who was faithful in the house of Potiphar, and was even made to oversea the economy of a whole nation, yet he didn't compromise his faith in God.

Let the people who are called by God's name depart from their wicked ways, let them seek the face of God, let them ask for forgiveness, let them stand in faith and truth and not fear...

Wherever you may find yourself, are you a civil servant, public office holder, government officer, business manager, security personnel, minsters of God? Or whatever you may be, it is time to stand for truth and righteousness...

The Lord will replace many, and many will fall by the sword of God's anger. 

Repent now before the anger of God visit you.
God bless you.

Prayer key :

1. Lord thank you for another day like this in Jesus name.

2. Lord, forgive me all my sins of not representing you well in Jesus name..

3. Lord, help me to alway stand for the truth and never to compromise my faith in Jesus name

4. Thank you for answered prayer, in Jesus Christ name amen.