Holy Spirit Baptism

Matthew  3:11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:

The story of our salvation started with a decision, a thought of Repentance and accepting Christ as our Lord and personal Saviour

We confess our sins, and choose to follow the one through God and living  a godly and righteous life afterward.

We are baptised by water to signify our death to sin  and resurrection to life in Christ Jesus, which portrays a new life and new hope of glory.

But sadly, Many only fainted during water baptism... They didn't die with Christ, thus makes their baptism void and invalid. We are truly baptised with water, but yet we go back to sin.

The sins we claimed to have confessed and renounced now finds  it's way back into our lives and reign over us

We refuse to grow and attain the level of spirituality God wants us to attain, just because we are yet to be baptised by the Holy ghost and fire.

Baptism with the Holy Spirit is an empowering experience, equipping Spirit-filled believers for witness, ministry and godly living

The first holy spirit baptism was experienced at the upper room on the day of pentecost, where the twelve disciples and other Brethren gathered...

They were with one accord, one spirit, one purpose, and one faith, asking for the promise of the father, and thirsty for the baptism of the holy spirit.

No doubt it was a powerful experience on that day as all who gathered were filled with the Holy ghost... The experience changed the narrative of just having the water baptism as the only step available to take after repentance..

Have you Been baptised by the Holy spirit yet?
Have you had an encounter yet?

These are what will happen after the Holy spirit baptism.

1. You will be empowered with power and grace..

Suddenly after the experience, all believers were empowered by God, to perform miracles and wonders, which is not limited to the Apostles... They were full of grace of the Lord to the extent those who gathered to witness them were amazed. Act 2:40-42

2. Your life and sin will walk in opposite direction

You can't have an encounter with Holy Spirit and still find it easy to sin...even if you are tempted, you will be cautioned and convicted by the Holy spirit... For the Bible says the spirit shall teach you all things...

3. You will receive boldness of the word of God.

Apostle peter was once afraid and shy to testify as one of the disciple of Christ during His trial, but after the encounter with the Holy spirit, boldness came upon him and began to preach to the extent hundreds of souls were worn for Christ.  Act 2:14-40

4. The will of God becomes so easy for you to obey.

Unto a sinner, the will of God may be difficult   but with the help of the Holy spirit, it becomes much more easier to do.. Like loving your enemy, not loving the world, living righteously and justly among people, and faithfully accepting and doing the will of God without fear and grudges etc...

5. You will be filled with the love of God..

There will be an inner peace that will dwell in the heart of such person, moving with compassion and love of God... You careless about yourself and care much about the other... The Bible says the believers had everything in common and no one  lacks anything.

6.The baptism of the Holy Spirit will instill God's nature, character and mind  in you which will make you different from what the world used to know you for... For at Antioch the believers were frist called antioch because their character portrays that of Christ.

Your spiritual exploit depends on having an encounter with the Holy spirit, it is a test of being a true believer of Christ.

Pray for it, seek for it and see your life transformed inside out.

God bless you.

Pray key :

1. Lord thank you for anther day like this in Jesus name.

2. Lord, baptise me with the Holy spirit, like this day of pentecost in Jesus name.

3. Let my life be transformed to your will in Jesus name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name.