A Grateful Heart

1 Thessalonians  5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Our God is sovereign and does things according to His will and plans in our lives and everything that associate with us as humans.

In whatever thing we may go through in life, God only demands one thing from us, and that is for our hearts to be grateful to Him.

A grateful heart is when someone has experience the significance of the love and potentiality of God... A heart that shows a deeper appreciation for life even amidst difficulties.

Whose heart is grateful?

1. A heart that has hope in God and is thankful.

Hope in God is a feeling of expectations, desires and trust for something yet not received...

There is one thing to hope and there is another to be thankful, but a grateful heart is a heart that hopes in God and is thankful.

Many only hope in grumbling, though they were in expectations of the promise of God for their life, but without thanksgiving.

Psalms  43:5 Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted within me? hope in God: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God.

2. A heart that will remind God of what He has done in the past.

A grateful heart is a heart that has account of all the things God has done in the past.... A record of miracles, signs and wonders, deliverance and breakthrough, a time when you are almost dead but he gave you life, a time you are almost put. To shame but God came to rescue... That is a grateful heart.

The psalmist said in Psalms  105:1 O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people.

3. A heart that will remind God of what He can still do.

If He has done mighty things in the past, then He can do it again and again... In such situation... Do you acknowledge God as powerful as He was proclaimed in the scriptures?,

is your heart always filled with joy and thanksgiving that God who did it for those of Old is also great and powerful to do yours?

Job  42:2 I know that thou canst do every thing, and that no thought can be withhold from thee.

4. A heart that will remind God of all He is doing presently.

Are you giving God glory, reminding Him of what He is doing presently? ,  even now that you are owing debt, you are grateful that He had paid it... Or the sickness, that He has already healed you, even that burden in your soul, that He has lifted it... A grateful  heart acknowledging the present manifestation of God

5. A thankful heart...

A heart that give praises to God, that shows appreciations to God, a heart that experiences the peace of Christ, the joy of salvation and the glory of God in eternity...

A grateful is a magnet for miracles, a key that opens the store house of God, and a chanel that leads to the throne of God.

A grateful heart experience inner peace and is contented with whatever God says.

A grateful heart does not complain, does not query God, does not insult God, dies not boast before God..

A grateful heart is a heart close to God's heart.... David was an example,

Be grateful in all situations and circumstances today and see God in action in your life..

God bless you...

Prayer key

1. Lord, thank you for another blessed day today in Jesus Christ name

2. Lord, forgive me for not being grateful in Jesus Christ name

3. Lord, help me to have a grateful heart in Jesus Christ name

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.