He bears our burden daily

Psalms 68:19 What a glorious Lord! He who daily bears our burdens also gives us our salvation.

The Bible says redeem all days for all days are evil.. This is an understanding that each day is full of different trouble and evil to battle with. 

The devil has segmented each day with different anomalies, events of weeping, heartbreak, failure, fruitlessness, pain, fear hunger, mourning etc

 yesterday you battle with a sad moment, today comes with something different entirely, you are even more afraid of what tomorrow might bring

The summation of these evils make some people depressed and even makes them think of suicide

Even as believers we are not exempted from these experiences because we live in this world and we are enshrined with its system.

But we have an advocate, a burden bearer, an helper, who is ever ready to bear our burden daily, and gives us salvation on Every situation we can ever find ourselves.

God has not taken a leave from office one day, He's never tired of helping and saving us from any situation we might get into. Just like an insurance policy that gets activated whenever there is trouble. 

So also God gets activated whenever we get into an ugly situation... You may have an insurance policy but forgot to activate it when you get into trouble... So also we shouldn't forget to cast our burdens on God, talk to Him in prayer about what we are experiencing and going through. 

Do you know what?, all who approached Jesus Christ during His days were not disappointed

In Luke 4:40 ]As the sun went down that evening, all the villagers who had any sick people in their homes, no matter what their diseases were, brought them to Jesus; and the touch of his hands healed every one! 

Now from that verse... "no matter what their diseases were", what diseases do you carry daily, physical, psychological, mental, infectious, deficiency, hereditary, terminal or of any form you may think of... Jesus healed them all... 

Now that same Jesus Christ is readily available at your disposal, waiting for your call to Him... 

Jesus Christ is the surest burden bearer, who will never gets tired everyday to bear your burden and the peace He give is not as the world gives. Call on him today and save yourself of daily trouble and evils.. 

Activate God's insurance policy made available in Christ today. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord i thank you for another day like this in Jesus name.

2. Lord, here is my burdens, I'm tired of trying, help me in Jesus Christ name 

3. Lord, grant me peace in all areas of my life in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.