Fear not, God is in control

Isaiah  41:10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

Our life in Christ and in this world shall not but include moments of disappointment, delay, tribulations, anxiety, famine among others... 

Each of these moments are caused by either of the following 

1. GOD wants to refine us to a better us... No gold will ever be satisfied if placed into fire for refining, the process becomes terrible and life taking, but at the end when the impurities are removed, it becomes a treasure and an asset worthy of display. 

In like manner God refine our life through certain moments, you do not understand but God himself is the one in-charge as the great goldsmiths of our life. 

Those moments can make you loose opportunities you think is the best for your life, meanwhile God is preparing you for a better one 

Those moment can make you loose some trusted friends which will become heartbreaks, but to God, He is revealing and removing some ungodly company that can destroy His plan for your life 

Also it can make you have a breakup in relationship which is even marriage promising, you have thought you have arrived at the final junction as your year is not decreasing... But God is disconnecting you from a marriage of sorrow  to connect you with a heaven on earth marriage. 

Joseph was displaced in other to be placed in a place of authority, he has to be disconnected from his entire family, and sent to prison for no just cause, he was even declared dead to his people.... What other terrible moment could be more than this to feel fearful and terrible?... But in all, God was the script writer and the director. The latter end story was him becoming the second in command of a foreign country. 

2. You may have missed it in God, gone a wrong way and thereby missing the opportunities and plan of God for your life, these will make you tarry in the wilderness of pain and sorrow... Fear will set in and anxiety will take over 

Abraham was a faithful man... But it got to a time when he was afraid if the promised child will still be born. 

In that moment  the Lord noticed he has already wondered away from His promise, and had taken a shut cut to being fruitful... God calls his attention.. "And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.(Genesis 17:1)"

Anxiety and fear are relentless. These are two of the enemy’s most popular weapons that he uses against us. 

Fear can make us loose focus on God, it can make you think God is not powerful to save, and mighty to deliver 

Fear can cripple your faith and can even make you renounce your citizenship in the kingdom of God. 

But the word of God is coming to you today that... Fear not, God is in control 

Whatever you are going through, pain, rejection, farming, lack, barrenness, failure, business set back, hardship, barrenness, debt and whatsoever. Do not be afraid God is in control and He is able to deliver. 

Rid yourself of fear and have peace and hope in God for a better life by exercising the following... 

1. Turn to the scriptures... The word of God is a word of hope, and  reveal to us the mind of God for our life.. 

In His word, you will discover His mighty deeds, which He has done in the past even to those in situations like yours... And believing in these words you have a guarantee He can and will  do it again and again 

 2. Pray to God without ceasing... Prayer is a communion, a date with God, to communicate our mind to Him and to receive His will for our lives 

In some cases, God uses moments of fear to call us back to Himself, because we had forsaken our intimacy with Him in place of prayer. 

By so doing the two steps, your fear will disappear God will reveal His mind to you and turn your situations around for better.. 

Fear not, God is in control. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord I thank you for another day like this in Jesus name. 

2. Lord, I surrender my fear, worries and anxiety at your feet in Jesus name. 

3. Lord, you are powerful to save and deliver, save me and deliver me from the bitter situations that brings fear and anxiety to my life in Jesus name. 

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.