Don't waste God's Resources

Matthew  25:24 Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed:  25:25 And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine.

The Bible text is an exposition of one of the popular parable of Christ about a master who gave talents/gifts/resources to his servants in a bid to trade with it and have more profit.

While others traded theirs, one of the servant went and hid his, claiming the master is a wicked person who wants to reap where he never sowed... We all know the end of the story.

Consider this.

1. Each and everyone of us represent the servants who God has given talents/gifts/resources at salvation to trade with, many were given greater measures than the other, according to what our strength can carry... But everyone lacks none...

2. Each of this talents/gifts/resources has a time frame through which they must be used, this time represent the planting, the watering and the harvest of a seed planted to the ground.

Just as God as invested so much on you in other for you to be profitable and yield much more harvest, how far have you gone?

The gifts of the sprit God  gave you, how far have you gone with it?  How many souls has been registered in heaven through it? Have you gone out investing it, or you are afraid and hid it?

Many souls are waiting to listen to your healing songs, many are waiting to hear the word of knowledge from you, many are waiting for your spirit filled counselling, but due to your laziness and unconcerned attitude, many have committed suicide.

How about you that God has raised and given wealth and riches, how well have you profited the kingdom?,  your wealth that should have been used for the propagation of the Gospel, that should have been used to reach the poor and the needy... But you kept it and enjoy only with your children, some are wasted on what shall perish,.... Places the Gospel should have reached are still thirsty of the word... And many died because of your refusal.

Many who are given gifts used it for their personal gains and unprofitable businesses, you are earthly enriched but you are running at a lose in the economy of God.

For how long will you waste God's resources, would it not have been better if God had not invested in you and found you worthy of a servant He choses?

The master is coming to ask for accounts on how well you have done...

What excuse will you have or give when you shall stand before your maker that day?

The servant had excuses, but were they really excuse?

1. "I knew thee that thou art an hard man". In what way has God been hard on you?, that you should preach the Gospel and forsake circular job?, yet you want to be like the present Gospelers who are wealthy, but you never knew at some time they also had to quit their circular jobs?

2. "reaping where thou hast not sown",  In what way God has not sowed into your life, first was salvation, then gifts to profit you for a living and also to profit the kingdom.... Now should that be and excuse?

3. "And I was afraid", can we also ask, afraid of what?, just like you are afraid today when God gives you a commission to do...

You are afraid. to loose the little in other to gain more...

You are afraid of the future, even after God has given you words of encouragement, prophecies and revelations from different sources to strengthen you for the journey...

You are afraid when the Lord said you should wait in your marital life or not to marry someone your soul desires.... God wants the journey to be pleasant and peaceful for you. So you need a partner that will make the journey easy for you.... But you are afraid if you loose this brother/sister , how will you get a better suitor as your age goes by... Ask yourself, is that a genuine excuse?

Are you afraid how possible you will survive in the journey? What to eat, what to wear or shelter?... But how can the farmer be afraid of water supply in raining season? Have you not read how God provides for the need of the Apostles who gave all to follow a Christ?

All these excuses are never an excuse before God... He has given you everything you needed and nothing you say or have in mind can ever justify your actions..

The word is coming to you today... Many prophets have told you, you have seen many visions, revelations has revealed it... This may be the last message God will send to you.

Do not waste God's resources anymore. Get down to business.

The time is ticking... The master is on the way.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord thank you for the blessing of another day in jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, forgive me for wasting so much time and resources

3. Lord, as I decide to get to business, help me through the journey in Jesus name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers on Jesus Christ name. Amen.