Keep your fire burning

Leviticus  6:13 The fire shall ever be burning upon the altar; it shall never go out.

The children of Israel had just come out of slavery, after several years of suffering and pain. With a mighty hand, miracles and wonders He did save them from their slave masters. 

Upon Exodus, God demanded service from them, a means for proper communication and interaction between Him and them and their generations to come 

God choses the levite to assume the role of priests who will intercede for people and be God's mouth piece unto the people of Israel.. 

God commanded there should be a lamp in the temple, a lamp that will continue to burn, a lamp that the priest must refill its oil daily. 

These does not actually represent God, but the presence of God in the temple. Even if the current priest is dying, God will immediately raise another who will continue to keep the fire burning. 

After the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, we all become priest of God who has boldness to walk up to God without any help of a human intercessor. 

The lamp that must keep burning represent the Holy spirit in us, it represent our spirit life before God, which must be kept burning. 

Many of us has received our lamp and the fire was burning the moment we gave our life to Christ and received the holy spirit... 

But at a point we stop refilling the lamp with oil due to it., our vibrancy at salvation has drastically reduced and our light is almost gone out... This has given the devil a means to crept in to torment our spiritual life. 

We keep the fire burning through fasting and prayer, meditation in His word, obedience to God and godly living. 

Many of us don't have prayer altars anymore, we are too busy with our life goals and the quest to succeed in... All, at the expense of our spiritual life. 

We no longer pray, fast and seek the face of God, but we only wait till when we get into trouble, only then we can excuse from our job and focused on God, forcing Him to answer prayers like magic. 

Where have you been all along?, why did you let the fire go out before calling God again, why did you depend on Earthly priests again to help you keep the fire burning... Meanwhile everyone holds his/her own lamp now in his/heart... So no one can perfectly help you refill but you yourself.

Let us remember Samson the most powerful... He was anointed with power, but has no prayer altar, the fire kept burning till the time it has no oil again... Devil came in through Delilah and his power gone... 

The only time he wish to light the fire again was on his death day, and the only prayer he could pray for was a suicide prayer, because it was too late. (Judges 16:28) 

When your prayer life dies, your spiritual life becomes buried. 

The disciples never stop praying after receiving the Holy spirit and power, they continue praying and reading of the word of GOD. (Act 2:42) 

Your fire must burn continuously if you must survive the darkness of this world.. 

This is not about your activities in the church the congregational prayer/revival you attend, it is your personal, private intimacy with the father. 

Has your fire gone out?, is there still oil in the lamp? , now is the time to refill, now is the time light the lamp again.. 

Go back to your Altar, light the lamp and refill the oil daily, so you can continually burn for God. 

A day must not go by without praying and meditating in the word of God. 

The devil never sleep nor slumber, he waits patiently when your fire will be out so as to launch his attack... Don't give Him a chance. 

If you have lost it, and don't know how to ignite the fire again or how to be consistent... Pray to God, read the word and connect through the number below for counseling and follow up. 

Keep the fire burning. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord thank you for another day given to me today in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, help me to keep my fire burning still and forever in Jesus name.

3. Lord, ignite your fire in me again, so I will continue to burn for you in Jesus name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.