Who are you?

John  13:4 He riseth from supper, and laid aside his garments; and took a towel, and girded himself.

Do you worry about that if people knew the 'real'  you,  they wouldn't like you?

Or that if you let down your guard you'd be left in the wind?

The Bible says that Jesus laid aside his garments... To wash the disciples' feet. 

He was willing to become transparent and let them see who He really was. 

Jesus taught a powerful lesson,  He rose from supper and began to disrobe in front of men who were  still fully clothed. 

Our problem is... We don't want to be seen as the only one with problems and needs.  But fear of being different can lock you in a prison of pretence.

Jesus took a step few would dare to.  He laid aside His garments (image)  before those he'd laboured to inspire. 

Real ministry, relationship and friendship starts the moment we stop trying to impress each other and say,  "This is who I really am".

stop impressing others hiding your True Identity, let people see you the way you really are,  and let them accept you for who you are. 

No matter how you try to impress others,  they will never be satisfied. 

God bless you.