Real Contentment

Job  22:21 Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee.

A wealthy businessman was upset to find a fisherman sitting beside his boat. Why aren't you out fishing?  He asked.  'Because I've caught enough for today',  replied the Fisherman. 

Why don't you catch more fish than you need? The businessman asked.  What will I do with them replied the fisherman.  The business man said,  'You could earn more money,  buy bigger boat,  catch even bigger fish and make more money.  Soon you'd have a whole fleet of boats and be rich like me. 

The fisherman said, ' then what would I do? ' the businessman replied, ' You could sit down and enjoy life.'  The fisherman said,  'what do you think I am  doing now?.

Contentment comes from two things : great relationships and God-given purpose. 

The first great relationship you must have is with God.  In the book of job we read,  'Acquaint yourself with Him,  and be at peace ; thereby good will come to you.' 

The second relationship you must have and treasure is with your family.  When you reach the end of your life that's the relationship that matter most. 

When it comes to God-given purpose,  you must identify your core Strengths,  know what God has called you to do,  then go to work. 

When you are greedy in acquiring wealthy,  you can never have enough and you can never enjoy peace as you should. 

What are you supposed to do?,  do it  and you'll find contentment. 

God bless you.