Touching Jesus

Mark  5:28 For she said, If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.

This was the story of a woman who had haemorrhage  for twelve years and spent even penny she had on doctors,  but to no avail.

This condition made her suffer in different areas of life...

.. Sexual, she couldn't touch her husband

... Maternally,  she couldn't have children

... Domestically, whatever she touched was consider unclean

... Spiritually,  she couldn't go to the temple.

Physically exhausted,  socially ostracised,  and spiritually depleted,  she thought,  'if I can just touch Jesus,  I'll be made whole'

Her miracle started when she thought about Jesus.  But first she had to get through the crowd that stood between her and Him. 

The crowd has its arguments and reasons,  but not one of them is worth missing Jesus for.

When this woman finally got to Him...

... She discovered that our faith gets Jesus' attention every  time.  Many people in the crowd must have brushed up against Jesus that day,  yet He knew himself that power had gone out of Him

Jesus can tell the difference between a casual Churchgoer and a truly hungry heart that pushes through pain,  problems,  and pressures

You are not just a face in the crowd,  and your problem is not too big for Jesus.

Today reach out in faith   touch Him,  and be made whole. 

God bless you.