Get beyond Past

Job  11:16 Because thou shalt forget thy misery, and remember it as waters that pass away:

Tarmar the daughter in-law of Judah suffered marital humiliations,  she  was accused of playing  a harlot,  but her future was greater than her past,  so she gave birth to a child who became a progenitor of our Lord Jesus.  What an honour.

Are you wounded?

 You can come through this painful experience and sing the song of the Overcomer. 

By God's grace,  you can learn to live in the present and let go of the past,  By spending time in God's presence and allowing His love to touch the hurting places withing you. 

Give all your secrets to God and leave them there,  He can take the misery out of the memory like you take the poison put of an insect bite: then your healing will begin. ..

Job, who lost his health,  his wealth and his family, Iived to see these words fulfilled.  'You shall forget your misery : you shall remember it as waters that pass away.'

Go ahead,  stand in the stream of God's grace and release it.  Let it go,  it was night,  but now it's day,  let God hold you safely in His arms.  There you can allow the past to fall from you  like a garment. 

You my remember it,  but you won't have to wear it any more : you shall lie down,  and none shall make you afraid. 

No more bad dreams,  no more fear of tomorrow,  shame has been removed and grace enthroned. 

Rise up in Christ's name and take authority over every memory that keeps you linked to the past. 

Allow God to heal your scars,  break your chains and set you free.  Because in Christ,  you are free indeed. ..

God bless you.