A Time to Rest

Mark  6:31 And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no leisure so much as to eat.

No one had a greater assignment than Jesus,  and no one was busier,  not even you,  but He knew the importance of relaxation. 

He understood the balance between work and rest,  which is why He was able to accomplish  so much  in just a little time

The more successful you are,  the greater the demands on your time and energy will be. 

People are wonderful,  but they can be draining.  As your career and calling grow,  this will only become more so.

Renewing yourself will require constant attention.  Work hard,  but play just as enthusiastically.

Schedule yourself,  take one day off and totally relax.  Focus on something other than your job.

If you do that,  your mind will be clearer,  you will make better decisions ,  you'll see life through different eyes,  and you'll accomplish  far more. 

If your creator can take a day off to rest,  how much more you?

If you worn yourself out because of your career and calling,  .... People are already in the waiting room to take your place to continue the job or ministry...

Take a time to rest. 

God bless you.