Don't despise your small Beginning

Zechariah  4:10 For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven; they are the eyes of the LORD, which run to and fro through the whole earth.

Everything big begins with something small,  and your attitude in the beginning often determines your success at the end. 

The Bible says,  'who despises the day of small things?'  delight in what God gives you to start with,  because He does,  thank Him for your small beginnings. 

Before the draught ended and the rains came,  Elijah saw a cloud the size of a man's hand (1kings 18:44),  that's very small,  but he rejoiced over it because it was a sign of bigger things to come. 

Don't destroy your seed by doubting it's potential. God gives you a seed of hope,  something small but something is better than nothing. 

Take that seed and plant it,  pray over it and believe in God for increase. 

A lot of us throw our seed away. , when we despise something,  we diminish it's potential,  we take no notice of it.  We don't care for it.

When we don't take care of what God gives us,  we lose it,  and when we lose our seed,  we never get to enjoy our harvest. 

Jesus did not despise the little 5loves of bread and 2 fishes,  so it was able to feed five thousand and more,  and after have twelve basket full. 

Be content during your small beginnings,  you know what God commences,  He completes,  so be patent,  be expectant,  and keep moving forward. 

Do not cast away your confidence,  which has great reward. 

God bless you.