Reveal Myself to Me

Psalms  139:23 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:

Our character is not revealed just by our actions,  but our reactions. 

Actions can be planned,  but reactions are spontaneous.  They gives us a glimpse of what's really in our heart. 

At that point we can look at it and deal with it. 

Who among us would really admit that at times we're greedy,  lustful,  controlling or insecure?  Or resentful of the blessing of God that's evident in the lives of others?

When the psalmist prayed,  'Try me,  and know my thoughts',  he was inviting God to create the circumstances that would bring to the surface in him all the 'junk'  at the bottom of the lake of his subconscious,  hidden from view not only from the  eyes of other people but also from his own eyes. 

Paul writes to the believers in Galatia and says,  'My dear children,  I feel as if am going through labour pains for you... And they will continue until Christ is fully developed in your lives' (Galatians 4:19). 

Note the words 'Until Christ is fully developed in your lives'.  That calls for a reformed  conscience and a redirected will. 

We cannot truly say we have been proved in Christ,  not until God create circumstances that will xray our inner disposition.

Some hidden Characters  are sinful and are capable of ripping us off our blessing from God.

Let God search your heart,  so you can get rid of them. 

God bless you.