Don't let Rejection stop You

John  1:11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
Sometimes the word "No"  some means 'not now, but ask again'.  So don't let rejection stop you.
Only when you see failure as final,  then you are finally a failure.

Take a look at you past experiences,  you may have encountered rejection in school or on the playground.  Not everybody like you,  but you made it anyway.

Jesus experienced more rejection than anybody who ever lived.  He came unto His own,  and His own received Him not...

Did He quit?...  No

He went on to others,  to those who discern His value.  ' But to them that received Him,  to them gave He power to become sons of God.

Someone needs what you have ; it is absolutely necessary to their success, 

When you encounter rejection,  shake it off and move on.  Sooner or later you will succeed if you don't quit.

Don't personalise it,  because someone rejects what you offer doesn't mean they're rejecting you... 

Opportunity and oppressions go together like  the head and the neck

Life is not going to hand you success on a silver platter; you've got to overcome adversity and outlast the opposition in order to walk through the door. 

And only two things are required :  your faith and God's favour...

I pray,  as you have stated the journey of August,  May God shower his favour upon you in Jesus name. 

God bless you. 

Happy New month of August.